Bhagwan Ramdevji Maharaj was a Tanwar Rajput regarded by Hindus as the incarnation of Lord Krishna. History goes that five Pirs from Mecca came to test his miraculous powers and after being convinced, paid their homage to him. Since then he is venerated by Muslims as Ramshahpir or Ramapir. The fame of Ramapir reached far and wide. He believed in the equality of all human beings, both high and low, rich and poor. He helped the down trodden by granting them their wishes. Bhagwan Ramdevji Maharaj took samadhi (conscious exit from the mortal body.) in 1459A.D. Maharaj Ganga Singh of Bikaner constructed a temple around the samadhi in 1931A.D. The devotees of Ramdevpir offer rice, coconuts, churma and toy wooden horses to Ramdevji. The samadhi temple is in Ramdevra, Rajasthan.